I know, Thanksgiving is in November. But there's nothing wrong with being thankful year-round! Here are some things I'm thankful for today:
1. Sleeping through the night. Sounds insignificant, but you really realize how important sleep is when you don't get enough.
2. The fact that my dog always loves me, even when I'm not a great mommy to her.
3. Curly hair. Seriously, I only have to wash my hair every 3-4 days. That ROCKS.
4. Internet access at work. I think I would quickly go crazy without it.
5. Otters. Come on, they're just flipping cute.
6. Lasik. Best.idea.ever. Not having to wear contacts anymore is awesome.
7. Homemade bread from KG. You have no idea.
8. A great hairdresser. Novi, you make my day.
9. The perfect pair of heels.
10. Cocktail hour. Hey, it's 5 o'clock somewhere!
11. Finding new bands to love. Muse and Mute Math, this is for you.
12. The Doctor.
13. Having a book you look forward to reading. Even if it is young adult vampire fiction.
14. Road trips to New Orleans with the coolest girl ever. Love you, AC!
15. Big Texas sky.